4Steps Calculator

Discover your carbon footprint with our intuitive 4Steps carbon footprint calculator. 

Use the sliders to indicate your usage.

Results are shown with easy to follow graphs, charts, and diagrams. 


Helping You Achieve Your Carbon Reduction Goals!

  • Usage
  • Contribution
  • Score
  • Offset

Your Usage

Monthly Electric bill in £
Monthly Gas bill in £
Monthly Oil bill in £
Monthly miles driven on your car
Number of flights taken in the past year (4 hours or less)
Number of flights taken in the past year (4 hours or more)
Do you recycle newspaper?
Do you recycle aluminum and tin?


Overall contribution

Individual contribution

Your Score

Waste Result

Energy Result

Travel Result

  • 6000 or below Excellent
  • 6000 - 15999 Good
  • 16000 - 22000 Average
  • 22000 or above Bad

Discover Carbon Offsetting And How You And The Planet Benefit.

Offset Your Carbon Footprint